랩(뮤비): ‘짝퉁반대무역협정’(ACTA)의 죽음
디지털 파일공유가 불법복제 해적질로 매도되면서 표현의 자유가 침해되고 있다는, ‘짝퉁반대무역협정’(ACTA) 한다고 인터넷을 박살내고 우리의 표현의 자유를 심각하게 옥죄고 있는 이 상황 옳지 않다는~
대충 그런 내용의 랩이다(가사는 저 아래): Dan Bull – Death of ACTA
Download the mp3: http://mediafire.com/?4tfazhxg87rfus7
Download the “Death of ACTA”: http://megaupload.com/?d=GKTTR2KT
짝퉁이 뭐가 나빠? ‘짝퉁반대무역협정’(ACTA) 자체가 짝퉁이다!의 랩 판본인 셈이다.
저 래퍼(Dan Bull)와의 인터뷰 기사가 토런트광(torrentfreak.com)에 실렸길래 보게됐다:
“The Death of ACTA,” torrentfreak.com, October 20, 2010 / 비디오는 여기에도 있다: http://anti-acta.com/
국제 무역협정을 신랄하게 비판하는 대중 음악이라니!
이는 그냥 하나의 뮤비가 아니라, 이런 대중문화의 존재 – p2p 파일공유에 대한 일국적·국제적 억압과 그에 대한 초국적 반발과 분노와 저항(의 표현)이 아닐까.
단지 이거 하나 가지고?
지금껏 해적질 때려잡아온 협회, 기관, 법무법인, 기업 등을 분산 서비스거부공격(DDoS)으로 박살내고 있는(물론, 진짜 박살나는 건 아니고 짐시 혹은 며칠 접속이 안 되는 것일 뿐이지만), “익명”(Anonymous) 집단의 (지도부 없는 대중) 해킹행동주의가 한 달 넘게 계속되고 있다: 작전명 “보복” 혹은 “환불” (Operation PayBack).
이런 공격적 해킹행동주의에 대해 논란이 있을 수 있지만, 어쨌든 중요한 사건이다. 끝난 게 아니고 계속되고 있으니 차차… 아! 부족하나마 관련 한글 뉴스 기사가 하나:
- “파일공유 불법화에 대항한 해커들의 반격 – [국제통신] 스페인 문화부, 저작권협회 웹사이트 다운 … 헐리우드도 공격”, 참세상, 2010.10.08
불법복제와의 전쟁, 더 크게는 인터넷 전쟁으로 봐야할 이곳 저곳의 (서로 관련없어 보이는) 여러 일들이 점점 격화되고 수렴되고 있다: 인터넷 울타리치기(사유화)와 대안인터넷 운동으로!
가사는, 번역도 하고 하면 좋겠지만, 사정이 여의치 않아서 그냥 아래에…
[Swedish translation: http://bit.ly/bTuzXL]
[French translation: http://bit.ly/bWBl5s]
Only rapper to be called a thief without stealing
Download an MP3 for free, these people hit the ceiling
I’m just a citizen that’s teaching you a lesson
for restricting my freedom of expression
How can ideas be possessions when they’re freely replicable?
Hence unapplicable property laws are reprehensible
Didn’t Jefferson express his opinion on the matter
when he said inventions shouldn’t be given a patent
What happened to that thinking, we’re stuck in a pattern
where the people with everything are keeping everything from us who haven’t
We want it back, look, fed up of adverts, left and right
begging me to buy til there’s nothing left of mine
to spend, never mind, who’s next in line to testify
that we need laws like these to protect our rights?
Medicine has never been something I’d ever deprive
especially when a life depends on it to survive
Yeah, it takes an incredible effort to develop them right
but putting wealth over health, I said it’s never been right
I’m just a citizen that’s teaching you a lesson
for restricting my freedom of expression, and I reckon
if old blues themes hadn’t been used by Led Zeppelin
we wouldn’t ever have any heavy metal then
the history of music would have never even happened
and amusingly there wouldn’t even be a Metallica
to tell us that we should hang on the gallows of law
so we wouldn’t even need to have a Gallo Report
Oh and by the way the fricking Gallo’s support
is made of signatures which have been apparently forged
This shit is sinister, and cannot be allowed to enforce
so tell your ministers and MEPs of how it’s been brought about
Although you’ll probably get a shallow retort
because the lobbyists have got a grip around all their balls
If I was boss, I’d tell them get the Hell out the door
because I’ve had enough of corrupt crooks ramming through laws
I’m just a citizen that’s teaching you a lesson
for restricting my freedom of expression
Yes, and deep packet inspection? squeeze that up your rectum
If your postman did that to you you’d be having him sectioned
arrested for meddling in your private affairs
But it’s only online, right? so why should we care?
Because digital rights should be applicable right
here in real life, and we’re not criminals, right?
So this is just why we’ll never give up the fight
to be considered innocent until we kick up and die
Giving internet providers responsibility
for the whims of their subscribers infringes privacy
Before the internet, media was a rarity
but how do you expect it to keep its value without scarcity
And that’s what scares me, seeing their cons and schemes
to stop their creaking business model being obsolete
What a robbery they pull off so obviously
Don’t give a fuck who it affects as long as it’s not me
Well I’ll keep making copies, see if they can stop me
They’ll have to confiscate my PC and take it off me
See there’s no problem with taking my property
for creating some lines of binary, blatant hypocrisy
Afraid to face the controversy relating to what we need
Making a profit off it or breaking monopolies
관련 글:
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